Forthcoming themed issues in 2020

The journal Changing Societies & Personalities announces the special issue on the contemporary nationalisms.

Nationalisms in Times of Change, Changes in Nationalism

Recent political events, most notably the outcome of the 2016 US presidential elections, Brexit, and the rise of nationalist populist political forces in various parts of the world, indicate an ongoing renaissance of nationalism and national identities. Far from dissolving into nothing due to globalization or mutating into post-, supra-, or hybridized forms, nationalism is apparently enjoying a triumphal comeback in its most prototypical form. Yet at a closer look, it remains unclear whether contemporary nationalism is of the same kind that had been expected to disappear in late modernity. In what ways does contemporary nationalism resemble some of its previous multiple forms and which of its features are genuinely new? To what extent is the current global wave of nationalism universal, and what distinguishes its local, national, and regional varieties? What are the causes for this unexpected revival and what consequences it may lead to? Above all, does the resurgence of populist nationalism respond to rising popular demand for nationalism, and how does it impact on politics?

This special issue will address these issues, assembling papers dealing with ongoing changes in nationalism and its role in the social changes in other spheres. We welcome contributions presenting innovative empirical research addressing any of the forementioned questions. Submissions relating nationalism to social issues with which it is not usually associated are especially encouraged.

The range of the possible topics includes the following:

  • National identity attitudes and their dynamics;
  • Rhetoric and ideology of contemporary nationalism;
  • Nationalism, populism, and popularity;
  • Emotional and cognitive appeal of nationalism;
  • Nationalist actors and audiences;
  • Nationalism and digitalization;
  • Nationalism and new social solidarities.

The guest editor for this issue will be Marharyta Fabrykant (Laboratory for Comparative Studies of Mass Consciousness, Expert Institute, National Research University Higher School of Economics; Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Belarusian State University).


  • 150 – 200 words abstract of the proposed article – 15 January 2020
  • Notifications to the authors of articles selected for publication – 30 January 2020
  • First submissions – 1 May 2020
  • Feedback from reviewers – 1 July 2020
  • Submission of revisions – 15 August 2020
  • Decisions on manuscripts – 1 September 2020
  • Publication of special issue – October 2020

Instructions for authors:
