The Uzbek National Tradition in the Pedagogical Practices of Adult Educators
While Uzbekistan strives to preserve its traditional culture and values (for example, respect for elders), interest in modern teaching methods is growing incrementally. This study aims to investigate whether and to what extent the national context affects teaching methods, in particular the interactive methods, which Uzbek professors use for training the civil service talent pool. The study is based on focus groups and content and cluster analysis. The results show that although Uzbek professors acknowledge the importance of the national context, their adult students’ needs and their own pedagogical experience are paramount in their choice of interactive methods. We also found that professors are highly motivated to try new methods, despite the lack of adequate access to cutting-edge resources. Therefore, their professional development should be aimed at improving their teaching qualifications by introducing the latest global trends in instruction methods. Conventional methods have to be revised and complemented with modern ones. This will lead to mutual enrichment between unique and strong Uzbek national traditions in education and contemporary international trends.
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