The Transformation of Tobacco Factories and Depots in İstanbul Waterfront


Since the 17th century, tobacco has been an important economic resource and a source of employment for hundreds of thousands of people both in the Ottoman Empire and throughout the Republic period. It has been an important source of employment, especially for the low-income female population. Tobacco control and management were given to the French Régie Company within the framework of the capitulations given to the French in the Ottoman Period, and subsequently the Tekel (İnhisarlar) administration in the Republic Period, also caused many social events. Tobacco, which entered the Ottoman lands in the 17th century, was banned several times over time for various reasons, as in many societies, and many people were punished. Monopoly management of tobacco as Tekel (İnhisar) was accepted for the first time in 1862, to centralize its production in 1861 and control tobacco smuggling and production. Since the 19th century, tobacco factories and warehouses have been built in districts of İstanbul such as Cibali, Üsküdar, and Kabataş, and sometimes they have been temporarily in existing historical buildings. With the development of tobacco production and factories, these buildings, which served different purposes until the 1980s, were later abandoned, some of them were demolished due to urban growth and development, and some of them have survived to the present day by transformation through restoration and renovation. Therefore, this article focuses on the transformation of tobacco factories and warehouses in the coastal areas of İstanbul as an industrial heritage.

Author Biography

Esen Gökçe Özdamar, Tekirdağ Namık Kemal University, Turkey

Esen Gökçe Özdamar, B.Arch, M.Sc., PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Fine Arts, Design and Architecture, Tekirdağ Namık Kemal University, Tekirdağ, Turkey. She received her B.Arch and MSc. in Architectural Design from Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Architecture (1996–2003). Earned her PhD. degree in architectural design from Istanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology (2011). Currently works as an Associate Professor, co-founder and Head of Department of Architecture at Tekirdağ Namık Kemal University. Major research interests include transdisciplinary methodology, contemporary housing, radical pedagogies in architecture, neuroarchitecture, kinaesthetic and haptic perception, experimental architecture, and hand-made sustainable materials. Some of her latest publications are “Flaneur/Flaneuse’s Home and Articulation in the Netherlands” (Agathos, 2022), “The “Pink Panther” in Architecture: The Transdiscipli-nary Approach and a Thought without Image” (Trans Form/Ação: Revista de Filosofia, 2022), “Inclined Planes and the Oblique Function as a Resistance to Gravity” (Interiors, Design/Architecture/Culture, 2022), “Emerging Approaches in Design and New Connections With Nature” (coedited book, IGI Global, 2021), “Kinaesthetic Perception in Architecture” (2021), BRAC (Barcelona Research Art Creation), “Touching the Data: The Hap-tic Experience in Volvelles” (ANFA, Poster, 2021), “An Experimental Approach to a Transdisciplinary Methodology” (2021, Enquiry, The ARCC Journal for Architectural Research).


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How to Cite
Özdamar, E. (2022). The Transformation of Tobacco Factories and Depots in İstanbul Waterfront. Changing Societies & Personalities, 6(2), 380–413. doi:10.15826/csp.2022.6.2.181