Surviving COVID-19 Pandemic: The Role of Social Media and Family Social Capital in Promoting a Healthy Lifestyle in Indonesia


Promotion of a healthy lifestyle amid the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia is an important part of disease prevention. Public outreach via social media shapes the public perception of the government’s campaign to stop COVID-19 spread. This study investigates the impact of social media and family social capital on the promotion of a healthy lifestyle. The study covered a sample of 165 women in Indonesia; it was conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Female respondents were selected because of their essential role in the family. The results show that the awareness of a healthy lifestyle is most likely affected by family social capital rather than social media use. Greater cohesion and interaction among family members, less family conflict, and better paternal control contributed to stronger family social capital. These findings contribute to a better understanding of how a healthy lifestyle can help families survive the pandemic.

Author Biographies

Rini Sudarmanti, Department of Communication Science, Universitas Paramadina, Jakarta, Indonesia

Rini Sudarmanti holds a doctoral degree in Communication Science from Padjadjaran University. She is a senior lecturer in Communication Science, and currently, she is the Head of the program of Magister Communication Department. She also leads the Paramadina Communication Institute (PCI) and Paramadina Women Institute (Point). Her research interests include public relations; organizational communication; leadership; cultural and media literacy; and women's issues.

Tri Wahyuti, Department of Communication Science, Universitas Paramadina, Jakarta, Indonesia

Tri Wahyuti, M.Si, has been a lecturer in the Department of Communication Science, Paramadina University since 2011. Currently, she is the Head of the Department of Communication Science (undergraduate program). Her research interests include community education, especially media literacy competencies.

Prima Naomi, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Paramadina, Jakarta, Indonesia

Prima Naomi is a member of the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Paramadina, specializing in finance and industrial organization. She received a scholarship to participate in a research methodology improvement program at the University of Queensland- Australia. She was the Vice-Rector of Resources Management (2018–2021) and the Acting Rector at Universitas Paramadina (February 2021–May 2021).


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How to Cite
Sudarmanti, R., Wahyuti, T., & Naomi, P. (2021). Surviving COVID-19 Pandemic: The Role of Social Media and Family Social Capital in Promoting a Healthy Lifestyle in Indonesia. Changing Societies & Personalities, 5(4), 600–617. doi:10.15826/csp.2021.5.4.152