Representing the Powerful Principle of Virtue Ethics: Commitment at Workplaces


The emergence of virtue ethics as a value foundation of society can be traced back to ancient philosophers. Having a committed workplace is a significant advantage for any organization. A committed workplace establishes a level of enthusiasm among employees that keeps them motivated to perform their duties and assignments, which provides benefit for both employees and organizations. Commitment at the workplace also provides subtle rewards such as pride, value, and positivity that one may experience. Irrespective of extrinsic or intrinsic motivation, some benefits are achieved thus driving commitment. However, another side of commitment referred to as blind commitment can ultimately make the company lose its susceptibility to innovations and adaptability to changes. This paper aims to explore the reasons behind commitment at the workplace as an appropriate paradigm of virtue ethics. The paper further subsequently discriminates this form of commitment from blind commitment for long-term benefits at the workplace. The paper aims to explore the extensiveness and intensity of virtue ethics that explains general moral philosophy and affects business and management ethics.

Author Biography

Mitashree Tripathy, Birla Global University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India

Dr. Mitashree Tripathy is presently working as an Assistant Professor at Birla Global University, Bhubaneswar, India. She has around 10 years of experience in teaching. Her main research areas are business communication, soft skills, English literature, spiritual and leadership development, and professional ethics. She has published around 45 papers in various national and international journals of repute, and is a highly motivational and inspirational speaker.


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How to Cite
Tripathy, M. (2022). Representing the Powerful Principle of Virtue Ethics: Commitment at Workplaces. Changing Societies & Personalities, 6(3), 524–546. doi:10.15826/csp.2022.6.3.188