Trade, Politics and Borderlands: Russia and Britain in the Age of Enterprise
Review of Matthew P. Romaniello (2019). Enterprising Empires: Russia and Britain in Eighteenth-Century Eurasia. Cambridge University Press
- Iukht, A. I. (1994). Torgovlya s vostochnymi stranami i vnutrennii rynok Rossii (20–60-e gody XVIII v.) [The Eastern Trade and Russia’s Internal Market in the 1720-60s]. Institut Rossiiskoi istorii Rossiiskoi Akademii nauk.
- Kaplan, H. H. (1995). Russian overseas commerce with Great Britain during the reign of Catherine II. American Philosophical Society.
- Lazarev, Ia. A. (2017). Mesto ukrainskoi kazatskoi elity v sostave rossiiskogo dvorianstva v pervoi polovine 1760-kh gg. [The place of the Ukrainian cossack elite in the Russian nobility in the first half of the 1760s]. Voprosy Istorii, 3, 70–85.
- Romaniello, M. P. (2019). Enterprising empires: Russia and Britain in eighteenth-century Eurasia. Cambridge University Press.
How to Cite
Sokolov, S.
Trade, Politics and Borderlands: Russia and Britain in the Age of Enterprise.
Changing Societies & Personalities, 5(4), 686–689.
Book Reviews