Trade, Politics and Borderlands: Russia and Britain in the Age of Enterprise

Review of Matthew P. Romaniello (2019). Enterprising Empires: Russia and Britain in Eighteenth-Century Eurasia. Cambridge University Press

Author Biography

Sergei V. Sokolov, Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg, Russia

Sergei V. Sokolov is a Senior Research Fellow, Ural Federal University (Yekaterinburg, Russia), Candidate of Sciences (History). Sergei is an intellectual historian, whose work is focused on the Russian Enlightenment. Currently, he is participating in the research project “Regional Identity of Russia: Comparative Historical and Philological Studies”. His main research interests inlcude early modern intellectual history; Russian historiography; modern intellectual exchange between Russia and Europe; political writings and theories of the Russian Enlightenment; history of Kievan Rus’.


  • Iukht, A. I. (1994). Torgovlya s vostochnymi stranami i vnutrennii rynok Rossii (20–60-e gody XVIII v.) [The Eastern Trade and Russia’s Internal Market in the 1720-60s]. Institut Rossiiskoi istorii Rossiiskoi Akademii nauk.

  • Kaplan, H. H. (1995). Russian overseas commerce with Great Britain during the reign of Catherine II. American Philosophical Society.

  • Lazarev, Ia. A. (2017). Mesto ukrainskoi kazatskoi elity v sostave rossiiskogo dvorianstva v pervoi polovine 1760-kh gg. [The place of the Ukrainian cossack elite in the Russian nobility in the first half of the 1760s]. Voprosy Istorii, 3, 70–85.

  • Romaniello, M. P. (2019). Enterprising empires: Russia and Britain in eighteenth-century Eurasia. Cambridge University Press.

How to Cite
Sokolov, S. (2021). Trade, Politics and Borderlands: Russia and Britain in the Age of Enterprise. Changing Societies & Personalities, 5(4), 686–689. doi:10.15826/csp.2021.5.4.157
Book Reviews