Conceptual Framework of Teacher Prestige and Well-Being: Regional Aspects


The paper presents a comparative analysis of sociological data concerning teachers working in the Sverdlovsk region (Russian Federation). The data were collected in 1989, 2016, and 2021. The surveys investigated social ideas and stereotypes reflecting public attitudes towards teachers in Russia and teaching communities. The research is based on a hybrid multi-paradigm methodology comprising systemic, structural, functional, generalized, temporal, and procedural descriptions. We used the data obtained from questionnaires surveying teachers in 1989 (n = 1183 participants), 2016 (n = 529 participants), 2021 (n = 412 participants). Data processing was carried out with the help of the VORTEX software application.
The comparative data analysis demonstrated that, while the proportion of female teachers and teachers of older age groups has increased over three decades, this has been accompanied by an increase in the education level. It is significant that the motivation for selecting the teaching profession and overall levels of satisfaction remained the same. However, at the same time, assessments of the possibility to advance through a teaching career and professional well-being have noticeably deteriorated. Among key factors affecting teachers’ satisfaction are physical conditions, low wages, lack of time for private life and the stress of endless school reforms. All of this has led to a decline in the prestige of the teaching profession along with the formation of a negative image. The paper describes efforts required to ensure the enhancement of the teaching profession in the Russian Federation.

Author Biographies

Andrey B. Berzin, Ural Institute of Management, Branch of RANEPA, Yekaterinburg, Russia

Andrey B. Berzin, Postgraduate Student, Department of Theory and Sociology of Management, Ural Institute of Management, Branch of RANEPA, Yekaterinburg, Russia. His research interests focus on the problems of social and professional teaching community, its functioning in the context of metropolises and large cities, the social well-being of teachers under the influence of various factors, as well as transformations of education in the context of reforms.

Aleksey V. Maltsev, Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg, Russia

Aleksey V. Maltsev, Cand. Sci. (Biology), Associate Professor, Department of General and Social Psychology, Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg, Russia. His research interests center around school and higher education, career guidance for students. Among his main publications are The Uzbek National Tradition in the Pedagogical Practices of Adult Educators (2020) (co-authored); A Model of Personal Factors Promoting the Success of Online-course Learning (on the Example of a Student Sample) (2021) (co-authored).

Natalya A. Zavyalova, Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg, Russia

Natalya A. Zavyalova, Doctor of Cultural Studies, Professor of the Department of Linguistics and Professional Communication in Foreign Languages, Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg, Russia.  She conducts research in the fields of linguistics, education, and cross-cultural communication.


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How to Cite
Berzin, A., Maltsev, A., & Zavyalova, N. (2022). Conceptual Framework of Teacher Prestige and Well-Being: Regional Aspects. Changing Societies & Personalities, 6(1), 164–181. doi:10.15826/csp.2022.6.1.168