A Theology of History: In Search of a Method

Review of the book by Priest M. V. Legeyev (2021). Bogoslovie istorii kak nauka. Metod. [Theology of history as a science. Method]. Sankt-Peterburgskaia Dukhovnaia Akademiia.

  • Andrey V. Lavrentiev Institute of Linguistics and Intercultural Communication of Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University); Russian Orthodox University of St. John Theologian, Moscow, Russia http://orcid.org/0000-0003-4533-8972

Author Biography

Andrey V. Lavrentiev, Institute of Linguistics and Intercultural Communication of Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University); Russian Orthodox University of St. John Theologian, Moscow, Russia

Andrey V. Lavrentiev is an Associate Professor at the Institute of Linguistics and Intercultural Communication (Sechenov University) and an Associate Professor at Russian Orthodox University of St. John Theologian (Moscow, Russia). He studied Christian (Orthodox) Theology at St Tikhon Orthodox University (Moscow, Russia) and at Ludwig Maximilians University (Munich, Germany); Linguistics at Russian Social State University (Moscow); Philosophy at the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (Moscow). There he received a Candidate of Sciences degree (Philosophy of Religion and Religious Studies). His research interests include modern Western (European) theological thought; theology of history; theological language and terminology.


  • Lavrentev, A. V. (2012). Istorizm i istoriko-kriticheskīĭ metod v teologii V. Pannenberga [Historicism and historical and critical method in Wolfhart Pannenberg’s theology]. St. Tikhon’s University Review. Series I: Theology. Philosophy. Religious Studies, 3(41), 7–18.

  • Lavrentiev, A. V. (2014). Problema istorichnosti Boga v rabotakh Vol‘fkharta Pannenberga: filosofskie, dogmaticheskie i ekumenicheskie aspekty [The problem of God in history in the works of Wolfhart Pannenberg: its philosophical, dogmatic, and ecumenical aspects]. Vestnik Pravoslavnogo Sviato-Tikhonovskogo Gumanitarnogo Universiteta, Seria I. Bogoslovie, Filosofia, Religiovedenie, 2(52), 43–58. https://doi.org/10.15382/sturI201452.43-58

  • Legeev, M. V. (2018). Bogoslovie istorii i actual’nye problem ekkleziologii [Theology of history and relevant problems of ecclesiology]. Sankt-Peterburgskaia Dukhovnaia Akademiia.

  • Legeev, M. V. (2019). Bogoslovie istorii kak nauka. Opyt issledovaniia [Theology of history. Attempt of research]. Sankt-Peterburgskaia Dukhovnaia Akademiia.

  • Olson, R. E. (1983). Trinity and eschatology: The historical being of God in Jürgen Moltmann and Wolfhart Pannenberg. Scottish Journal of Theology, 36(2), 213–227.

  • Troeltsch, E. (1913). Ueber die historische und dogmatische Methode in der Theologie [About historical and dogmatic method in the theology]. In Troeltsch, E. Gesammelte Schriften. Bd. 2. Zur religiösen Lage, Religionsphilosophie und Ethik [Collected works. Vol. 2. On the religious situation, philosophy of religion and ethics]. Paul Siebeck.

How to Cite
Lavrentiev, A. (2022). A Theology of History: In Search of a Method. Changing Societies & Personalities, 6(3), 700–705. doi:10.15826/csp.2022.6.3.198
Book Reviews