Assessing the Impact of Innovative Technologies on the Life Satisfaction of Older Adults in Russia and Vietnam


This study uses the concept of “technological space,” a term that defines the interplay between the social and technological environment, extending our understanding of environmental factors in various scientific domains. We examine the significance of technological space by looking at how older adults interact with modern technologies in the regional contexts of Russia and Vietnam. This study is motivated by the need to integrate older adults into the regional technological landscape. Although older adults face various challenges that may prevent them from adopting modern technologies in their daily lives, embracing these high-tech products and services can greatly improve their overall happiness and well-being. The analysis draws upon the data gathered through a sociological study in Russia’s Tomsk region and a parallel study conducted in Vietnam in 2022. The research outcomes show a noticeable contrast in older individuals’ readiness to embrace innovative technologies, highlighting their openness to adaptation under specific circumstances. Additionally, these findings underscore the limited and varied extent to which older generations engage with the contemporary regional technological space, as well as the constrained impact of innovative technology on their life satisfaction. These findings can be useful for regional policymakers seeking to enhance the adaptability of older adults in the face of socio-economic challenges.

Author Biographies

Galina A. Barysheva, National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, Russia

Galina A. Barysheva, Dr. Sci. (Economics) Professor, School of Engineering Entrepreneurship, National Research Tomsk Polytechnical Institute. Her research interests include a broad range of topics, such as well-being of elderly people, social policy, regional economics, economics of education, intellectual property, innovation infrastructure, digital economics. Among her recent publication are Barysheva, G. A. (coauthored), Involvement of Elderly People in the Processes of Modern Digital Transformations (2022); Barysheva, G. A. (ed.), Resource Potential of the Elder Generation (2021).

Elena I. Klemasheva, National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, Russia

Elena I. Klemasheva, Cand. Sci (Economics), Associate Professor, School of Engineering Entrepreneurship, National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University. Her research interests are centered around the problems of human capital, resource potential, well-being of the older generation, institutional transformation of the economy, digitalization of the economy, and structure of the economy. A list of her recent publications include the following: Klemasheva, E. I. (coauthored), Involvement of Elderly People in the Processes of Modern Digital Transformations (2022); Klemasheva, E. I. (coauthored), Subjective Assessments Model of the Influence of the Technological Space Elements on the Standard of Living of the Elderly (2022).

Elmira R. Kashapova, National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, Russia

Elmira R. Kashapova, Senior Lecturer, School of Engineering Entrepreneurship, National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University. Her research interests revolve around the topics of economic theory, applied econometric research, laboratory economic experiments, financial security, well-being of the elderly, and regional economics. Among some of her recent publications are Kashapova, E. (coauthored), Inequality Perceptions and Redistribution Preferences (2022); Kashapova, E. (coauthored), Comparative Analysis of Income Inequality Perceptions by the Elderly in Europe and Russia: The Relationship Between Actual and Perceived Income Inequality (2021).

Thang Chien Nguyen, Institute for European Studies, Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences, Hanoi, Vietnam

Thang Chien Nguyen, PhD. Research interests: world economy, development economics, social economics, digital economics. Recent publications: Nguyen, T. C. (coauthored), Elderly People’s Adaptation to the Evolving Digital Society: A Case Study in Vietnam (2022); Nguyen, T. C. (coauthored), Involvement of Elderly People in the Processes of Modern Digital Transformations (2022).

Ngoc Thi Bich Tran, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam

Ngoc Thi Bich Tran, PhD, School of Economics and Management, Hanoi University of Science and Technology. Research interests: industrial management, innovation management, digital economy, the digital society and the elderly. Recent publications: Tran, N. T. B. (coauthored), Involvement of Elderly People in the Processes of Modern Digital Transformations (2022); Tran, N. T. B. (coauthored), Vietnamese Enterprises: Current Issues of Technology Transfer (2018).


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How to Cite
Barysheva, G., Klemasheva, E., Kashapova, E., Nguyen, T., & Tran, N. (2023). Assessing the Impact of Innovative Technologies on the Life Satisfaction of Older Adults in Russia and Vietnam. Changing Societies & Personalities, 7(3), 103–121. doi:10.15826/csp.2023.7.3.243