Impact of Abusive Supervision on Innovative Work Behavior in Turkey: Who Is More Affected?


Researchers have focused on the dark side of managers in recent years, wherein studies discuss the effects of abusive supervision styles on employees and organizations. This research aims to elucidate the influence of abusive supervision on innovative work behaviors of new and former employees. The study focuses on two different employee characteristics. The first group includes the employees with a two-year or less tenure. The second group includes employees with a five-year or more tenure. A simple random sampling technique is used to determine the sample. The research sample includes 345 employees in a manufacturing firm in Istanbul, Turkey. According to regression analysis results, abusive supervision negatively affects innovative work behavior. In addition, abusive supervision affects the innovative work behaviors of new employees more than those of former employees. The findings are consistent with the social exchange theory, conservation of resources theory, and power approach. The research findings are important in demonstrating how destructive abusive supervision affects new employees. In conclusion, suggestions are presented for companies, managers, and researchers.

Author Biographies

Hasan Sadık Tatlı, Beykent University, Istanbul, Turkey

Hasan Sadık Tatlı is an Assistant Professor of Business Management at Istanbul Beykent University. He researches Organizational Behavior, Management and Top Management Teams. He is interested in digitalizing organizations, employee behaviors, leader behaviors, and power relations in management.

Gökten Öngel, Istanbul Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey

Gökten Öngel is a specialist pediatrician at the Istanbul Training and Research Hospital and holds a PhD in Business Administration. She has a special interest in organizational behavior and investigates leader-member relations, communication, and negative organizational structures.

Murat Süslü, Galata University, Istanbul, Turkey

Murat Süslü is currently the General Secretary at Galata University, Istanbul, Turkey; previously, he held the position of Assistant Professor at Istanbul Beykent University. His research interests encompass sustainability in tourism, employee behavior in tourism enterprises, and innovative behaviors.


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How to Cite
Tatlı, H., Öngel, G., & Süslü, M. (2024). Impact of Abusive Supervision on Innovative Work Behavior in Turkey: Who Is More Affected?. Changing Societies & Personalities, 8(2), 491–507. doi:10.15826/csp.2024.8.2.284