Problems and Prospects of the Online Model for Exporting Russian Education in the Context of Digital Inequality


Russia has historically been a favored destination for international students, a trend continuing through 2020–2022 despite pandemic challenges, quarantine measures, remote learning adaptations, and evolving geopolitical dynamics. The pandemic prompted significant digital transformations in universities, revealing varying digital readiness among Russian institutions for the abrupt shift to online education. This led to the emergence of a novel “digital didactics” methodology. Russian universities adopted digitalization not only for education but also for supporting digital students’ sociopsychological adaptation and devising recruitment strategies via social networks. In these circumstances, digital inequality emerged as a critical concern. This issue is not only evident at a global level but also across various stages of foreign students’ education, spanning from virtual admissions to final certification. This study analyzes the global experiences and recommendations for crafting an optimal model for online educational engagement with foreign students and categorizes Russian universities based on their digital readiness for education export and identifies challenges in engaging foreign students and attracting applicants.

Author Biographies

Tamara K. Rostovskaya, Institute for Demographic Research of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia; Peoples Friendship University of Russia (RUDN), Moscow, Russia

Tamara K. Rostovskaya, Dr. Sci. (Sociology), Professor, Deputy Director for Research of the Institute for Demographic Research – Branch of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Professor, Faculty of Economy, Department of Regional Economy and Geography, Peoples Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University). She has published more than 600 research works. Her research interests cover such themes, as sociology of family, sociology of youth, state family-demographic policy, fertility, migration, measures of social support, and demographic education.

Vera I. Skorobogatova, Presidential Academy (RANEPA), Moscow, Russia; Moscow State Linguistic University, Moscow, Russia

Vera I. Skorobogatova, Dr. Sci. (Law), Executive Director of the Competence Center of the Presidential Academy (RANEPA); Associate Professor of the Moscow State Linguistic University, Moscow, Russia. She has published 70 research articles investigating the problems of education, foreign education recognition, academic migration, and state policy in the sphere of foreign education recognition.

Veronika N. Kholina, Peoples Friendship University of Russia (RUDN), Moscow, Russia

Veronika N. Kholina, Cand. Sci. (Geography), Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Regional Economics and Geography, Faculty of Economics, RUDN University. She has published 190 research articles investigating the topics of geographical education and the spatial economic structure of various countries.


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How to Cite
Rostovskaya, T., Skorobogatova, V., & Kholina, V. (2023). Problems and Prospects of the Online Model for Exporting Russian Education in the Context of Digital Inequality. Changing Societies & Personalities, 7(3), 65–81. doi:10.15826/csp.2023.7.3.241