Inclusion Problems in the Russian General Education System


The research examines the problem of implementing the principle of inclusion in the Russian education system as contributing to the development of inclusive society. The system and actor approaches were used to consider educational inclusion from the perspective of a wide range of actors. The study analyzes the main indicators characterizing the state and development of an inclusive education system taking into account certain barriers to its development. The main problems of implementing educational inclusion into the Russian system of general education are investigated. These include the definition of the object of inclusion, staffing, physical accessibility of educational institutions, adaptation of educational programs, funding, and willingness of different actors of the educational process to inclusion. The main positive changes and difficulties that arise during the implementation of inclusion in the Russian general education system are outlined. Key measures that should be taken to lift existing barriers and promote inclusion are proposed.

Author Biographies

Tatiana S. Soloveva, Vologda Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vologda, Russia

Tatiana S. Soloveva, Senior Researcher at the Department of Living Standards and Lifestyle Studies, Vologda Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vologda, Russia. She has more than 200 research publications devoted to the problems of education and social innovation development in Russia and abroad, social policy, employment, and human capital. Among her most recent publications are the following works: Soloveva, T. S. (coauthored), Employment Transformation in Russia From the Perspective of Cross-Country Comparisons (2023); Soloveva, T. S., Support Features and Problems of Social Entrepreneurship Development in Modern Russia (2023); Soloveva, T. S., Social Entrepreneurship in the Regions of Russia: Key Characteristics and Conditions of Development (2023); Soloveva, T. S. (coauthored), From Traditional Learning Principles to Smart Education. Recommendations for Practical Teachers (2022).

Veronika A. Sokolova, Vologda State University, Vologda, Russia

Veronika A. Sokolova, Cand. Sci. (Psychology), Associate Professor, Department of the English Language, Vologda State University, Vologda, Russia.  She has published textbooks and study guides for students of different fields of study, including modern technologies, power engineering, biomedicine, contemporary architecture, innovation management, etc. (some of them coauthored). Her research interests concern psycholinguistics, stylistics, psychology in teaching foreign languages, innovative practices of teaching and methodology. Presently, she focuses on studying inclusion problems in the education system. Her recent publications include the following: Sokolova, V. A. (coauthored), On the Issue of Improving Efficiency When Working With a Foreign Language Text at a University (2023); Sokolova, V. A. (coauthored), Integrative Approach in Teaching English for Professional Purposes (2021).


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How to Cite
Soloveva, T., & Sokolova, V. (2023). Inclusion Problems in the Russian General Education System. Changing Societies & Personalities, 7(3), 82–102. doi:10.15826/csp.2023.7.3.242