Integrative Model of Shared Reality and Identity-Emotion-Efficacy Factors of Pro-Environmental Action
Several theoretical models explain the influence of identity factors on pro-environmental action; however, an integrative explanation of these factors is required, especially in nonactivist samples. This study aims to determine the mediating effects of social identity, group-based anger, and group efficacy on the relationship between shared reality and pro-environmental action. We use a correlational survey method on 258 and 305 students in Studies 1 and 2, respectively. The full structural equation model found that the model well fits both studies. Consistently in the two studies, shared reality positively predicts social identity, group-based anger, and group efficacy. We found that these factors mediate the relationship between shared reality and pro-environmental action. These findings conclude that ordinary people sharing the same environmental reality catalyze the formation of identity, emotion, and efficacy factors.
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