Impact of Citizen Participation on Solving the Social Problems of Small Regional Towns in Russia


The social contradictions of small regional towns in Russia remain a controversial issue. In the official discourse, the proponents of eliminating and consolidating small towns and villages argue their position in terms of the economic efficiency of cost reductions. However, the role and importance of small territories are great as they constitute the country’s spatial, mental, and historical basis. This article aims to identify the potential of citizen participation in resolving social contradictions to ensure the sustainability of small towns.
In the first stage of the study, a proprietary methodology was proposed for calculating an integral index that aggregates a set of initial statistical indicators of socio-economic development in small towns (the Vologda Oblast), with their subsequent grouping to assess social contradictions. It was established that of 13 small towns in the region, six belong to the group whose level of socio-economic development is below average, six small towns exhibit a low level, and only one town (Kadnikov) is characterized by a high level of development. The lag in terms of indicators relative to average values is a negative factor in the development of small areas, the preservation of their human potential, and the growth of social contradictions. The second stage of the study involved identifying the features, factors, and limitations of local community participation (population, business entities, and nonprofit organizations) in solving the problems of small towns in the region by means of a quantitative and qualitative methodological strategy (questionnaire survey of the population in the region, N = 1900; focus-group interviews, N = 5). The obtained results will serve as the basis for the development of individual trajectories for the development of small areas through the active involvement of the local community in these processes.

Author Biographies

Yuliya V. Ukhanova, Vologda Research Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Vologda, Russia

Yulia V. Ukhanova, Cand. Sci. (History), Senior Researcher, Vologda Research Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Vologda, Russia. She conducts research studies of both fundamental and practical nature into the problem of civic participation of the local community in the development of the social space of modern Russia. Among her recent publications are the following: Ukhanova, Yu. The Interaction of Society and Authorities in Urban Development: The Case of Big Cities of Northwestern Federal District (2023); Ukhanova, Yu. Civil Participation of the Territorial Community: Theoretical Foundations and Practical Development (2022); Ukhanova, Yu. The Phenomenon of Civic Participation in Scientific Discourse: Theoretical and Methodological Background of the Research (2020).

Ekaterina D. Kopytova, Vologda Research Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Vologda, Russia

Ekaterina D. Kopytova, Vologda Research Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Vologda, Russia. Her research interests revolve around the issues of strategic management, sustainability, and corporate social responsibility. She is also interested in the interactions between government and business, as well as socio-economic development of cities. Her recent publications include: Kopytova, E. (coauthored). Experience in Project Management of Socio-Economic Processes at the Municipal Level of Government (2023); Kopytova, E. (coauthored). Methodological Aspects of Assessing the Level Cross-Sectoral Social Partnership Development in the Region (2020).

Sergei G. Zhestyannikov, Administration of the Vologda municipal district, Vologda, Russia

Sergei G. Zhestyannikov, Administration of the Vologda municipal district, Vologda, Russia. Scientific interests: interaction with civil society, methods and tools for territorial development, personnel policy. Recent publications: Zhestyannikov, S. Public Participation as Tool for Territory Development (Experience of the Vologda Municipal District of the Vologda Oblast) (2021).


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  • Published
    How to Cite
    Ukhanova, Y., Kopytova, E., & Zhestyannikov, S. (2024). Impact of Citizen Participation on Solving the Social Problems of Small Regional Towns in Russia. Changing Societies & Personalities, 8(1), 57–77. doi:10.15826/csp.2024.8.1.263