Sociology of Russophilia in Azerbaijan: A Classification for Russophile Social Groups
Azerbaijan, which has long historical, cultural, and political and economic relations with Russia, has various Russophile social groups formed during the period of independence. This study aims to classify the Russophile social groups in Azerbaijan and generalize their characteristics, naming each social group according to its motivation. In this regard, according to the results of the research conducted among Azerbaijanis over the age of 18 in 2022–2023, there are six Russophile social groups in Azerbaijan, which can be called Ethnic Russians, Russian-educated, Communists, Nostalgics, Dependents, and Iranophiles. Each of these social groups has different motivations and different characteristics in relation to Russia and Russian culture. This gives a reason to suggest that there is a mosaic view in relation to Russia and Russian culture in Azerbaijan. According to results of the research, social groups in Azerbaijan exhibit a shared desire for improved relations with Russia and a common interest in promoting the Russian language. Anti-American sentiments pervade some groups, signaling a geopolitical alignment away from the West. Notable differences include Iranophiles’ religious ties to Iran, Dependents’ economic focus on Russia, and varied emphases among Nostalgists, Communists, Russian-educated, and Ethnic Russians, reflecting nuanced geopolitical perspectives within the overarching Russophile sentiment.