Migrants From Central Asia in the Moscow Agglomeration: Social Well-Being and Demographic Attitudes

  • Galina I. Osadchaya Institute for Demographic Research—Branch of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia http://orcid.org/0000-0002-2597-9724
  • Tatyana N. Yudina Institute for Demographic Research—Branch of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia http://orcid.org/0000-0001-7785-8601
  • Olga A. Volkova Institute for Demographic Research—Branch of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia http://orcid.org/0000-0001-5325-0730
  • Egor Yu. Kireev Institute for Demographic Research—Branch of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia http://orcid.org/0000-0002-5441-0430


The relevance of this study lies in the fact that it addresses the lack of empirical data needed for evidence-informed policy-making in the social, economic, and demographic realms in Moscow and the Moscow Oblast. It aims to explore migrants’ emotional and evaluative attitudes toward their social reality, their role in it, and the unique demographic factors influencing their behavior. Specifically, the article seeks to characterize migrants’ social well-being, identify factors detrimental to well-being, and outline conditions that facilitate trust, cooperation, and respect among individuals. The ultimate goal is to enhance socio-demographic well-being, unlocking migrants’ full potential not only for socio-economic and demographic development in the Moscow agglomeration and society but also to help them achieve personal goals. The findings are based on a survey conducted in February–March 2023 in Moscow and Moscow Oblast, involving 766 migrants from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. The article analyzes how the problem of well-being is discussed in contemporary academic literature, refines the definition of the key concept, and substantiates the factors influencing the formation of migrants’ social well-being and their demographic attitudes. The article provides an evaluation of the demographic situation in the Moscow agglomeration, along with some insights into the social well-being of migrants and their demographic attitudes. It also identifies problematic areas that pose challenges to the successful social adaptation of migrants.

Author Biographies

Galina I. Osadchaya, Institute for Demographic Research—Branch of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

Galina I. Osadchaya, Dr. Sci. (Sociology). She specializes in the field of social change, social sphere, Eurasian integration of migration, social policy, migration policy, social cohesion, and sociology of lifestyle. Galina I. Osadchaya is the author of 400 research papers, 41 monographs, including of her sole authorship. Her recent publications include the following: Osadchaya, G. (coauthored), Return migration to the Kyrgyz Republic: factors and assessment of the situation (2024); Osadchaya, G. (coauthored), Assessing the potential of the diaspora in the formation of socio-economic well-being of migrants from Armenia in Russia (2023); Osadchaya, G. Socio-humanitarian cooperation members of the Eurasian Economic Union: meanings and tools (2023); Osadchaya, G. (coauthored), Non-profit organizations of Tuva as subjects of demographic policy implementation (2023); Osadchaya, G. (coauthored), Reproductive behavior of migrants from Central Asian countries in the Moscow agglomeration; Osadchaya, G. I., Migrants from Uzbekistan in the Moscow agglomeration: Assessment of migration experience (2023); Osadchaya, G. I. (coauthored), Sociological assessment of the success of reintegration of migrants returning from Russia to Kyrgyzstan (2024).

Tatyana N. Yudina, Institute for Demographic Research—Branch of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

Tatyana N. Yudina, Dr. Sci. (Sociology). She specializes in the field of sociology of socio-demographic processes, population health problems, social policy, social inequality, sociology of migration, migration policy, Eurasian integration. Tatyana N. Yudina is the author of more than 350 research papers. Her recent publications include the following: Yudina, T. (coauthored), Sociological assessment of the sustainability of the reintegration of migrants returning from Russia to Kyrgyzstan (2024); Yudina, T. (coauthored), The Armenian diaspora in Russia: Employment and socio-economic well-being (2023); Yudina, T. (coauthored), The Armenian diaspora in social networks (2023); Yudina, T. (coauthored), Institutional problems of modern Russian society (2023); Yudina, T. (coauthored), Young women from Kyrgyzstan in the Moscow metropolis (2023); Yudina, T. (coauthored), Kyrgyz youth in the Moscow agglomeration: Adaptation strategies (2023).

Olga A. Volkova, Institute for Demographic Research—Branch of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

Olga A. Volkova, Dr. Sci. (Sociology). She specializes in the theory and methodology of sociology, professional identity, sociology and psychology of social work, social protection, non-profit organizations, and Eurasian integration. Her recent publications are as follows: Volkova, O. (coauthored), The ethnocultural identity of representatives of the Armenian diaspora community in Russia (2023); Volkova, O. (coauthored), Aesthetic education and changes in the quality of life (2023); Volkova, O. (coauthored), The role of the digital diaspora in overcoming the vulnerability of migrants in the context of the COVID-19 Pandemic (Case of Moldovan Migrants) (2022); Volkova, O., Activities of non-profit organizations providing medical and social assistance to migrants in the conditions of COVID-19 (2022).

Egor Yu. Kireev, Institute for Demographic Research—Branch of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

Egor Yu. Kireev, Cand. Sci. (Sociology). Не specializes in the sociology of digital culture, social cohesion, intergenerational differences, minority groups, migration policy, and Eurasian integration. The list of his recent publications includes: Kireev, E. (coauthored), Return migration from Russia to Kyrgyzstan: dynamics, causes, and structure (2023); Kireev, E. (coauthored), II International Summer School "Eurasian Societies in the focus of young sociologists" (2023); Kireev, E. (coauthored), II International Summer School "Eurasian Societies in the focus of young sociologists" (2023); Kireev, E., Young Armenians in the Moscow agglomeration in the period after the COVID-19 pandemic (based on the results of an express survey) (2023); Kireev, E., Migrants from Central Asia and Internet services during the breakdown of digital reality in Russia (2022).


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How to Cite
Osadchaya, G., Yudina, T., Volkova, O., & Kireev, E. (2024). Migrants From Central Asia in the Moscow Agglomeration: Social Well-Being and Demographic Attitudes. Changing Societies & Personalities, 8(2), 375–398. doi:10.15826/csp.2024.8.2.279