University’s Information Policy in a Mediatized Reality: Youth as the Main Target Audience


One of the key challenges faced by Russian higher education institutions is the lack of effective long-term strategies for communicating their research, educational activities, and student development efforts to various target audiences such as scholars, students, prospective applicants, regulatory authorities, and international groups. This study aims to uncover the principles and key features of universities’ information policies targeted at youth in Russia. The paper presents findings based on data obtained from a series of in-depth interviews (n = 17) with student representatives, vice-rectors, and department heads specializing in youth communication policy and pedagogical activities at Russian universities. Additionally, the study includes empirical data from a pilot survey conducted among students across four federal districts (n = 150). In the final section, the paper offers a set of key recommendations to enhance the effectiveness of media communication efforts with youth audiences.

Author Biography

Anna N. Gureeva, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia

Anna N. Gureeva, Cand. Sci. (Philology), is an Associate Professor at the Department of Theory and Economics of Mass Media, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia. She is the author of about 70 articles, book chapters, and books. She has led research projects supported by scientific foundations, including “Processes of Mediatisation and Demediatisation in the Socio-Political Communication of the State and Youth in Modern Russia: Key Actors, Mechanisms and Trends” (RSF, 2023), “Socio-Political Values of Modern Russian Youth in the Discourse of Social Media” (RFFR, 2021-2022), and “The Process of Mediatisation of Politics in Strategies of Digital Communication Between the State and Youth in Russia” (RFFR, 2020). Her primary research interests include mediatisation and demediatisation, youth media consumption, information policy in the scientific and educational sectors.

How to Cite
Gureeva, A. (2024). University’s Information Policy in a Mediatized Reality: Youth as the Main Target Audience. Changing Societies & Personalities, 8(3), 630–650. doi:10.15826/csp.2024.8.3.292