Michael Goodhart (2018). Injustice: Political Theory for the Real World. Oxford University Press

  • Daniil Kokin Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg, Russia

Author Biography

Daniil Kokin, Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg, Russia

Daniil Kokin is PhD student at the Department of Philosophy, researcher at the Centre for Comparative Study of Toleration and Recognition, Ural Federal University.


  • Arvan, M. (2019). Book Review: Injustice: Political Theory for the Real World. Political Theory. DOI: 10.1177/0090591719836186

  • Miller, D. (2016). Strangers in Our Midst: The Political Philosophy of Immigration. Harvard University Press.

How to Cite
Kokin, D. (2019). Michael Goodhart (2018). Injustice: Political Theory for the Real World. Oxford University Press. Changing Societies & Personalities, 3(2), 160–163. doi:10.15826/csp.2019.3.2.069
Book Reviews