Dichotomy of the Basic Aspects of the Image of Power in Russia: Traditional and Modern Models

  • Nelly A. Romanovich Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANERA), Voronezh Branch, Voronezh, Russia


Social and cultural characteristics of any country form a certain image of power in the minds of its representatives. The image of power is treated in this work as a set of perceptions about power, which is determined by the sociocultural specifics of a particular political culture. In this article, I discuss contradictions between the traditional model of the image of power inherent in the Russian political culture and the modern democratic model. A conclusion is made that today’s Russia is characterised by the reproduction of the traditional model of the image of power.

Author Biography

Nelly A. Romanovich, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANERA), Voronezh Branch, Voronezh, Russia

Nelly A. Romanovich, Dr. Sci. (Sociology), works as a professor at the Department of Political Science and Political Governance at the RANERA Voronezh Branch, Russia. For many years, her research interests have covered issues associated with the phenomenon of power in various social systems. She is an expert and analyst in the field of public opinion. N.A. Romanovich is the Vice-president of the Russian Society of Sociologists, a member of the European Research Union “Euroscience” and the international association ESOMAR. During her research career, Dr. Romanovich has published over 170 research works.


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How to Cite
Romanovich, N. (2019). Dichotomy of the Basic Aspects of the Image of Power in Russia: Traditional and Modern Models. Changing Societies & Personalities, 3(2), 139–155. doi:10.15826/csp.2019.3.2.067