The Politics and Pedagogy of Religion Education: Policies, Syllabi and Future Prospects

  • Abdulkader Tayob University of Cape Town, South Africa

Author Biography

Abdulkader Tayob, University of Cape Town, South Africa

Professor Abdulkader Tayob has published extensively on the history of religious movements and institutions in South Africa. He now works on Islam and public life in Africa, and contemporary intellectual trends in modern Islam.

Professor Tayob obtained his doctoral degree in 1989 from Temple University in the United States. He has worked and published on Islam in South Africa, Africa and modern Islam in general. His teaching experience includes Cape Town, Charlottesville (Virginia, USA), Bayreuth, Hamburg and Cologne (Germany), and Nijmegen and Leiden (the Netherlands).

Holder of NRF Chair Islam, African Publics, and Religious Values.


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How to Cite
Tayob, A. (2018). The Politics and Pedagogy of Religion Education: Policies, Syllabi and Future Prospects. Changing Societies & Personalities, 2(3), 225-231. doi:10.15826/csp.2018.2.3.038